
API SwiftUI Jetpack Compose

Badge is a block that accomodates small pieces of information



  • represent vehicle type in route search (e.g. Audi A3)

  • represent PT vehicle route (e.g. S5)

  • represent payment status (e.g. “DEFAULT”)

  • represent car type in stationary car sharing (e.g. budget)

  • represent POI in stationary bike sharing (e.g. “2 Riese & Müller 60”)

  • highlight new/upcoming provider in the app (e.g. “NEW” or “SOON”)

Variations and constituents

badge types sizes: medium, small

medium badge

  • may have an icon

  • may have a subbadge icon

  • may be stacked (in stacks of 2 or 3 badges) vertically extension: in PT flow content inside fits a maximum of 4 string characters and truncates afterwards

small badge

  • doesn’t have an icon

  • may have a subbadge icon

  • cannot be stacked

  • texts inside are always uppercase

  • may be disabled


class BadgeConstants(theme: CurrentTheme) {
    val defaultContentColor = theme.colorPalette.onPrimary
    val disabledColor = theme.colorPalette.grayScale.gray300
    val borderColor = theme.colorPalette.background

    val textStyleMedium = theme.typographyScale.textM.copy(fontWeight = Bold)
    val textStyleSmall = theme.typographyScale.textS.copy(fontWeight = Bold)

    val minHeightMedium = 24.dp
    val minHeightSmall = 16.dp

    val cornerRadiusMedium = CornerRadiusScale.xs
    val cornerRadiusSmall = CornerRadiusScale.xxs

    val iconHeight = 20.dp
    val iconWidth = 20.dp

    val subBadgeIconHeight = 16.dp
    val subBadgeIconWidth = 16.dp

    val spacer = SpacingScale.xxs

    val horizontalPaddingMedium = SpacingScale.xs
    val horizontalPaddingSmall = SpacingScale.xxs

    val verticalPaddingMedium = SpacingScale.xxxs
    val verticalPaddingSmall = 0.dp

    val maxStackedBadgesNumber = 2

    val borderWidth = 1.5.dp

Preview from automated tests
